Sunday, April 20, 2003

I'm a huge fan of The Daily Show and a bigger fan of Jon Stewart before he joined the show. It's a shame we don't get Comedy Central here in Kuwait to catch his funny take on the war in Iraq, so I'll have to settle for the Sunday night "international" edition on CNN even though it's on very late and I always forget to tape it (not tonight though! ) For those of you unfamiliar with the show's charms, many articles have been written in praise of its unique war coverage but this one is the best.

By the way, for American visitors, the CNN we get here (CNN International) bears no resemblance to the one you get in the US. It's far from perfect but actually easier to watch and is less prone to hysterics. Also, it has more sober anchors who seem to know what they're talking about, and whose professionalism in comparison with their US edition counterparts becomes more obvious when it converges with the American broadcast. Never was that more squirm-inducing than when I watched Paula Zahn dutifully taking notes during one of Rumsfeld's many press conferences like a schoolgirl and then reciting them back to Wolf Blitzer in Kuwait to see if she "got it right".... on the air!! Blitzer was visibly mortified!

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