Saturday, May 22, 2004

Tabtabaei's Latest Salvo

THE MAN IS A DELUDED IDIOT!! And what the hell was he doing in Cancun anyway? Read his latest outrage!


  1. I wish I could read Arabic. I think Tabtabaie just likes to see his name in the news. Does he REALLY believe his own BS, or is he simply another Iraqi Minister of Information?

    I LOVE this site.

  2. MP Tabtabaie is Kuwait's answer to Mohammed Sahaf (X Iraqi Minister of Information). He only reveals what the voices (inside his head?) are telling him. Who voted for this guy? Let's get some women in there and vote him out. He's obviously NOT speaking on behalf of Kuwait, but perhaps on behalf of the small devil living behind his beard.


Keep it clean, people!