طرشنا 5 أو 6 رياضيين إلى أثينا، لكن معاهم 100 مرافق. ممكن أحد يفهمني ليش 100؟ شنو فايدتهم غير مصاريف على الفاضي بما فيها مصرف البشوت؟
إلى متى هذه المهازل؟ وكيف يسمح لمائة من هؤلاء المرتزقة والحاشية "والفداوية" بمرافقة وفد رياضي لا يمت لهم بصلة؟! لو كان هناك أدنى احتمال لفوز أي من رياضيينا بأي ميدالية لهان الأمر، بل لوجدنا الكثير من الكويتيين الشرفاء يقضون اجازتهم في أثينا لتشجيع اللاعبين أبناء هذا البلد الطيب المظلوم من أهله، لكن منين يا حسرة؟ ليس لدينا وقت للنهوض بالشباب والرياضة لأن دروس "عذاب القبر" أهم بكثير
أتمنى لو يطلعنا أحد على مدى انتظام أو عدم انتظام حضور أعضاء الوفد المرافق للألعاب الرياضية، حتى على الأقل الألعاب التي يشارك فيها وفدنا. بس أنا متأكد أن غالبيتهم ما يدرون عن شيء
لكن لا بأس... ما وقفت على هذه
ليش 100 ؟ سؤال طيب
ReplyDeleteاختر الإجابه الصحيحه
- شخص انتهى رصيد اجازاته و يريد السفر
- ولدنا فقير مسكين يبى يسافر ، يروح على حساب الحكومه مع بوكت مونى
- ميزانيه و لازم تتفسسفس و لا ترجع لوزاره الماليه و ماكو سفره
- شلون طلال الفهد يروح مع 5 لا مو اى 5 رياضين بعد ، ويــــــــع لازم ربعه
- الكويتيه خسرانه و تبى ناس يروحون عليها
Money isn't the issue here, there is more money being stolen from the gov than that of Athens Summer break vacation for the deligates.
ReplyDeleteWhat I'd like to know is where the hell are the rest of the Atheletes? Where is all the time and energy spent on our youngsters? is this all the athletes we can spare? a Deligation consisting mainly of Male Clay Pigeon Shooters?
I liked Aqbal Al Ahmad's article in Al Qabas today, Iraq is probably one of the most undersupported teams in Athens yet they made a strong presence. Why can't we?
As long as the top positions in the Kuwaiti Sport Industry will be monopolized by undereducated, unfit greedy Fdawi-bearing types..we can only bid on winning medals at the Bullshit & Fasu Olympics (Kuwait 2004)
That is what I call an entourage that even puts MC Hammers to shame. Cause you know those 100 people have brought anlong atleast 1 of their friends or some family members with them.
ReplyDeleteIt would be great if that money actually went to athletes. We have some great athletes in Kuawit who wont play for the national team cause they dont get anything in return for their sacrifices from work and family. So why should they bother?
I always wondered what would happen if we paid taxes? Would we have real accountability? I am sure things would change quickly once the government needed our money and we demanded to get what we pay for.
Zaydoun before you enter any arabic text try putting them between this < font face="Arabic Transparent" > ثينا، لكن معاهم 1 < /font > Cause I really have a hard time reading the default font.
Is this better? I changed the font to Tahoma
ReplyDeleteواحد من هؤلاء الأذناب هو سعود بوحمد لاعب المنتخب الوطنى السابق ووظيفته الحالية و من سنين عديدة هى حمل (بشت و موبايل) أحمد الفهد. و قد رأيت الأخ سعود جالسا بالإستاد فى حفل الإفتتاح و لا أعلم لماذا يحتاجه أحمد الفهد فى أثينا و خاصة أنه سيلبس البدلة الغربية و لن...يغتّر! و لا أعتقد أن قوانين الأولمبياد تسمح لأاى شخصية رياضية بإصطحاب (حمال بشت) عند توزيع الميداليات على الفائزين.
ReplyDelete1. Are we sure its 100 delegates or has the number undergone another favorite Kuwaiti past time (exaggeratio)?
ReplyDelete2. Are we sure they have not been sent by the Kuwaiti Fund for Development, cuz i heard that Greece is having a bad tourist season ;)
3. Is this a copy cat of our Saudi brethrens? I hear King Fahad has 5000 stooges with him wherever he travels.
If you want to judge a nation, do so by the way it treats its athelets and artists.
I believe it used to be 5,000 due post 9/11 Visa restrictions for saudis, the # has been cut down to 3,000 stooges.
p.s. I wonder if King Fahad will be the modern day Ghingiz Khan and actually bury the 3,000 ppl with him!
I bet he fantasizes about that (same goes to most Arab tyrants)
Cheerio babe, good to have u back n commenting (Fusla & Fusla awaits u)
zaydoun... i know this is off topic... but have u realized this thing with blogroll.. notice it only lists 2 blogs as being updated... i removed the update option from my blogroll coz i thought its unfair to the others who do update... and blogroll doesnt place an updated sign.
ReplyDeleteWell said XTC..
ReplyDeleteRam, the Blogroll "UPDATE" is crap, I wouldn't depend on it if I were you.
I have to thank Zeyad from 'healing iraq' for the link to your blog and whence to other Kuwaiti blogs ...I'm enjoying them so much to the point of addiction. Thank you for your humour :). I'll sure keep coming back .
ReplyDeleteShopping you say!
ReplyDeleteI doubt it, they're out there collecting free gifts.
HOOKERS & BOOZE!! Lets not beat around the bush here.. that's why they're all there!