Wednesday, August 04, 2004

CIA Asks Bush To Discontinue Blog

WASHINGTON, DC - In the interest of national security, President Bush has been asked to stop posting entries on his three-month-old personal web log, acting CIA director John E. McLaughlin said Monday.

According to McLaughlin, several recent entries on PrezGeorgeW. have compromised military operations, while other posts may have seriously undercut the PR efforts of White House press secretary Scott McClellan.

A July 24 posting read, "Just got back from a lunch with Colin and Adil Moussa (one of Prince Saud al-Faisal's guys). Colin wants the Saudis to send some troops to Najaf?so some of the soldiers are Arab, I guess. This Moussa guy sure wears a lot of jewelry. A golden chain, a golden ring with his initials or something, and some other sparkling stuff?kinda effeminate. Anyway, best of luck in Iraq, Iyad."

McLaughlin, normally hesitant to express public disapproval of the president, said the blog was "ill-advised."

"I would hate for the president to inadvertently put American soldiers at risk," McLaughlin said. "We work hard to maintain the integrity of state secrets. When we see the president posting details of troop movements, international counter-terrorism negotiations, and even the nuclear launch codes, as he did on Monday, we have to step up and say something."

Bush said he could not understand McLaughlin's anger, characterizing his blog as a "personal thing written for friends and family or whoever" and therefore "none of the CIA's business."

Nevertheless, U.S. Secret Service director W. Ralph Basham objected to the blog, as well.

"He is compromising his safety and the safety of those in my department," Basham said, citing a post from last Thursday in which Bush revealed that he "had to go to some secret meeting with Norquist at some Marriot [sic] over in Virginia." "Someone could uncover some serious state secrets, if they took the time to wade through all of those photos he posted after he got that digital camera in June."



  1. huh?

    i dont believe this is for real. looks like a humor blog.

  2. ofcourse it is. It's from The Onion.

  3. Hey Abdusalaam... you never told me what to do with the RSS feature

  4. i still find amusing....

  5. Well, that's because I felt you were annoyed by my comment and wished to be left alone. But now I realize, I was wrong. This is one aspect of the internet I don't like. Since it's mostly text based, people tend to misinterpret each other a lot. (And we think we can interpret a 1400 year old manuscript correctly. Go figure.)

    Anyways, on blogger it's actually an atom feed. Vsit the following link and you'll understand what I'm talking about.

    All you have to do is change your blogs site feed to "Yes" from "No". And I won't have to specifically visit your blog to see if you have an update.

    I personally use to keep track of blogs I follow. You might want to try it yourself if you follow many blogs like I do.

  6. is supposed to tell me when any of the blogs on my blogroll is updated.. but it doesn't seem to be working properly. I'll check out too

    I understood the stuff on Blogger Help, but I'm still not clear on what to do with Site Server Path, Site Feed Name and Site Feed URL. Also, which site feed? RSS or Atom?

  7. I'm a bit confused. On, as far as I know, there is only one way to syndicate your blog. When you go into "settings" for your blog, click on the "site feed" link, and once there, you can only see one option: 'Publish site' Yes/No. When you chose 'Yes' you get two more options, 'Descriptions' and 'site feed url'. Url will look like,

    And that is it, your blog is syndicated. If you want you can even paste that link on your blog's homepage.


Keep it clean, people!