Friday, August 06, 2004

Saudi Elections

Two words I never thought I'd ever read together... I can't believe I missed this!!

Still, it's too little too late; that country is going to "hell in a handbasket" and I doubt limited council elections will reverse that.

But one can hope, can't one? It is a small step in the right direction, after all


  1. Ah, an alternative food fest to ours.

  2. Saudi elections - what a beautiful oxymoron!
    Actually I can think of three more in that vein-
    Saudi intelligence
    Saudi law
    Saudi society

  3. Something tells me that there will be nothing but trouble from this. I know there will be all these weird loopholes that only people loyal to the royal family will be eligible and some how they will all win with a high margin.

    This is just the catalyst that will lead to more bombing and trouble in that country.

  4. This is not going to be for the better. Think of saudi Arabia as a brainwashed community. Ranging from Islamic Fundamentalists to Non-Believers. The Non-Believers bieng the minority. At election time, even if, all were to go the right way. Who do you think would win? What laws would be passed? What would become of Saudi's Policy to Fellow arab nations. What would that power give the fundamentalists..possibly influence into our government and society. Imagine holding an election back in the day when blacks were slaves. Then making a vote on wether to hang and kill every black person. Democratically correct right? Majority Rules. What rules do you think the newly elected in saudi arabia would enforce? And as the royal family backing them up. Of course without a doubt. The move to possible elections is to save saudi arabia from coming into the same path of afghanistan and Iraq. Talibans and Regimes! Saudi Arabia may fill the void for fundamentalism. So what is the one thing to get out of that.. Involve themselves in some form of elections.


Keep it clean, people!