Wednesday, September 29, 2004

نقاب by Giorgio Armani

Italian fashion legend Giorgio Armani came out in defense of the نقاب and said "It's a question of respect for the convictions and culture of others. We need to live with these ideas, we need to learn how to do it."

Fine. I hope Mr. Armani will stick to his words after he's run down by a deranged نقاب wearing female motorist as he's crossing Via Manzoni.*

*shameless namedropping


  1. I'm sure a Niqab/burqa'a/boshia line designed by Giorgio Armani would be very popular and would be worn by non-viel wearers.

  2. where has my comment gone?

    I want to see a GA line of Niqab/burqa


Keep it clean, people!