قرار شركة السينما الكويتية بإغلاق جميع دور العرض لمدة 10 أيام حتى عيد الفطر بمناسبة "العشر الأواخر" لا يمكن وصفه إلا بالسخافة والجبن وانعدام المنطق. تفاءلنا خيراً بإدارة الشركة الجديدة الشابة والتي وضعت لمسات إيجابية كثيرة على مفهوم الذهاب إلى السينما في الكويت، فأين دور السينما الحديثة من دور سينما الأمس مثل الأندلس والحمراء وغرناطة "مالوت أول"؟ نعلم أن لا حول ولا قوة لها ازاء مقص الرقابة الحكومي الطالباني الذي يبتر الأفلام ويفرغها من مضمونها، لكن الحلو ما بيكملش
السؤال للإدارة الجديدة أو لمن "خرّعها" ونصحها... ما الذي يحرم مشاهدة الأفلام في العشر الأواخر بالذات؟ وإذا كانت السينما حرام في العشر الأواخر أليس من المنطق أن تكون حرام طوال الشهر الفضيل؟ وإذا كانت حرام في رمضان، بعد كملوا جميلكم وحرموا السينما طول السنة علشان تكمل ديرة الحلال والحرام!؟
الله يسامحكم يا شركة السينما، وانشاءالله سهمكم يخفس أول ما يفتح السوق
السؤال للإدارة الجديدة أو لمن "خرّعها" ونصحها... ما الذي يحرم مشاهدة الأفلام في العشر الأواخر بالذات؟ وإذا كانت السينما حرام في العشر الأواخر أليس من المنطق أن تكون حرام طوال الشهر الفضيل؟ وإذا كانت حرام في رمضان، بعد كملوا جميلكم وحرموا السينما طول السنة علشان تكمل ديرة الحلال والحرام!؟
الله يسامحكم يا شركة السينما، وانشاءالله سهمكم يخفس أول ما يفتح السوق
من صجهم هذيل يبون يصكون السينما
ReplyDeleteيعني شنو يبون يوصلوله اللي يبي يروح سينما كيفه
انا احسن شي مقاطع السينما من زمان بروحه افلامهم اغلبها قديمة و مقطعة بس فيه ناس دايما يروحون السينما يضيعون وقت لانه تدرون الديرة ملل و مافيها مكان واحد يروحله غير المطاعم
الظاهر ما عندهم افلام نفس الناس يعرضونها لانه من بدا رمضان و افلامهم قديمة و تنعرض في الشوتايم و الاوربت من زمان
A quick look at their schedule, Stepford Wives is/was playing.
ReplyDeleteI woulda thought that a movie where women are plastic barbie doll robots with no ambition other than to serve and please their husbands would go down rather well with our society, no?
Quick idea..
We should Call them/ e-mail them/ or even fax them if we had to, so they would know that there are ppl out there who think that this decision was a stupid and selfish decision. Lets all express our thoughts to them and that is the least we can do.. for now!
I suggest we all BOYCOTT this company! Let's take a stand! Whoever is doing these funny Kuwaiti T-shirts should have one with their logo with a big red circle and line through it, like the no smoking signs!
I am absolutely disgusted! My aim for now is to see this company fail and crumble, I lost all respect (which only came recently for some changes they did) to that filth of a Talibani company!
Yes, we don't need a crystal ball to have seen this coming to us. I don't expect i can live in Kuwait in 10 years. KSA reinvented, but with all the teething problems of a taliban rule, plus 10 times more corruption. I wonder if Osama Bin Laden will be granted a 'jinsiah fakhriyah'!
ReplyDeletewill they really do that??? Whose suggestion is it?
ReplyDeleteI dont see any religious members in the KNCC management!
aham shay will it be open in the Eid? :p
يا جماعه أنا مو دفاعا عن شركة السينما بس السبب هو أن شركة السينما راح تغير مناوبة العيد راح تصير الى الساعه 5 فجرا فقرروا ان يريحون الموظفين في العشر الاواخر لأنه اصلا نسبه قليله اللى راح تروح ما أدري السبب مقنع و لا لأ بس هذا السبب اللي تم أعطائى اياه
ReplyDeleteA quick phone call to KNCC confirms Nano's comment. They are closing to give their staff a break, since they will indeed be working overtime during the Eid holidays.
ReplyDeleteBut still, I suspect a sudden wave of "religious fever" sweeping over KNCC
I don't buy this!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy would they close during the whole last 10 days of ramadan? If it was the working overtime reason, then why they wouldn't just close during the last 3 or 5 days of ramadan?
i don't go to KNCC because its a major annoyince to watch movies in any of its threatre ( and i went to most ) whats so hard about not talking in the movie ? somking weed ( i'm sorry that the only way to explain why would someone go HAHAHA while orc charge in LOTR return of the king )
ReplyDeleteand the fact that they withhold hit movies and try to switch them to other days and events , why can't you show it as you get it , if i was going to the movies on EID , i would go to movies on EID , even if the movie was in the cenima a week before EID
Sharikat Al Cinema Al 6aalibaniya.....
ReplyDeleteClosing for the last 10 days of Ramadan because Eid is coming is the worse excuse they could come up with! Its not a small highschool project that can take a break whenever they feel they need to rest! Its a publicly traded company listed on the stock exchange with many shareholders!
If we go by their excuse, that means that all businesses with extra work during Eid have the right to stop! This would include -
- All 7allaqeeen, most of whom work 24 hours during 3eed in shifts. This is a fact! Let them close!
- Baqalaaat, where most kids go to spend their money during eid, so they should also take a break the 10 days before that!
- Restaurants, im sure business for most restaurants is not as big as other times of the year, and many of them have prebookings and reservations for eid from now, so let them take a 10 day vacation!
There really is no excuse for KNCC to do this! It is just another step backwards, next yr they should stop all of Ramadan!
When they close for the last 10 days of ramadan, which are the holiest days of the year, as a sign of respect, this just implies that they are doing something wrong the rest of the year!!
عذر أقبح من ذنب
خـالي بـالك من زوزو
ReplyDeleteزوزو مين؟
ReplyDeleteMosan:قصدك خلي بالك على زوزو
ReplyDeleteعذر اقبح من ذنب وغير مقنع
ReplyDeleteوين سمعنا من قبل عن شركه مساهمه الهدف من وجودها تحقيق اكبر نسبه من الارباح للمساهمين انها توقف ايراداتها لمده 10 ايام عشان الموظفين يرتاحون
اما اذا كان الهدف هو اتجاه دينى فان نظره سريعه على اسماء بعض اعضاء مجلس الاداره يذكرنى بفيفى عبده اللى ترقص طول ايام السنه ثم تقيم موائد الرحمان فى رمضان
hwkw, Its not a matter of being cost effective or not! Its a business! If thats the case, then most toy stores in the US and Europe should close the two weeks after christmas, right?? But they dont!
ReplyDeleteIts a business and they have to respect their customers and their choices! Even if one person wants to go to watch a movie, they should be ready to welcome him or her anytime! As i mentioned earlier in zaydoun's blog, this is not a small highschool project that can be paused at any time for a rest or whatever....this is a publicly traded company, listed on the kuwait stock exchange, with thousands of shareholders! It has no right to stop business for 10 days whatever the reasons are!!
أعزائي.........نحن نعيش في زمن الظلمات. و في هذا الزمن يقرر لنا غيرنا ما نود ان نفعل و أين نذهب و كيف نقضي امسياتنا. و لهذا وضعت شركة السينما الكويتية إعلان نصف صفحة دفعت له ما فتح و رزق لتقول للناس انها شركة ملتزمة دينيا و تحث الناس على الإلتزام بتعاليم الدين ..........لكن فقط في العشر الأواخر. و من هنا نكتشف مؤسسات جديدة تتبوأ منصب معلمنا و مرشدنا الديني.
ReplyDeleteملحوظة.( قيل لي أن شركة السينما تحتاج لصيانة صالاتها و لهذا اختارت هذا الوقت . و لكن أرادت أن تضرب عصفورين بحجر. )
according to a friend that work there , he said that they normaly shut one cenima at a time or exchange projectors so they can fix them , but this time they wanted to just shut everything and fix everything in one sweep
ReplyDeletenot that , but these time are bad $$ wise , its not worth it to oprate , so some smart guy at the board came out with the idea " last 10 days of ramadan " its not only hitting 2 birds with 1 stone , the stone is still hitting birds ..
Then their ad should have stated clearly that they want to do a general maintenance AND give their staff a break before the Eid madness! Nothing wrong with that if attendance is as low as they claim
ReplyDeleteThis fake message to show (who?) that they are good Muslims stinks of hypocrisy!!
I have my sources at KNCC too and, believe me, I gave them hell!!