Monday, December 27, 2004

But I Like Eavesdropping!

Click here to print these cards and give them out wherever you see people hollering on their cell phones and disturbing the peace..


  1. حبييييييييييييييييييييييييييتها

  2. Have you ever noticed if you get a call from overseas people voice pitch get higher from some reason?even though the other person could hear you perfectly fine!

  3. id like to see somthing for the mobile rings

    Dear mobile user,
    we know you have the lateset song as a ring for your mobile

    p.s:NO ONE CARES!

  4. Bora... did you click on the picture?

    Jelly.. this habit of raising the volume for overseas calls is an old one from the days where you really did have to shout to be heard. My mother still does it!

  5. Zaydoun: yeah both my parents still do that...hahahahhaa...o almishkila they call me early in the morning screaming on the matter how many times I tell them I hear them fine mako fayda :)

  6. Zaydoun
    How perfect, if only to get the message across.

  7. يبدو أن موقعه ممنوع من قبل سلطات الامارات لكنهم لم يمنعوا موقع
    العام الذي يستطيع من خلاله نشر مواضيعه، فنرى موقعه من هنا وهو لا يراه هناك

  8. i would like to give out some of those at the movies... i dont know how people can talk through a movie... yet alone how do they get any signal in there? oh... and what on earth am i doing at the movies?


Keep it clean, people!