Wednesday, March 09, 2005


I went for my monthly haircut this afternoon after work, and as soon as I sat in my chair my friendly talented Lebanese barber - who loves to talk politics by the way - immediately asked me where I stand on women's political rights. He obviously doesn't read this blog... I immediately responded with my not inconsiderable lecturing (i.e. barking) skills, and hammered my point to him. He breathed a sigh of relief for finally getting someone on the side of reason, sense and logic.

Apparently, he had been conducting an informal survey amongst his customers since Monday's demonstration and had found that the majority of them were against women's rights. It wouldn't have been so bad if they had backed up their position with a firm belief in something, but most of them just had one stupid answer after the next. Mind you, this is supposed to be an upscale "men's salon" with a supposedly upscale clientele. Money doesn't buy sense or logic it seems, because here's a sampler of what most of them said:
احنا جذي مو خالصين من شرهم، هالمرة يدخلون المجلس؟؟
المرأة حرة تطلع وتروح وتجي على كيفها. شتبي بعد؟؟
الحريم شعرفهم بالسياسة؟؟

And when he told them that women have political rights almost everywhere, even in less developed countries:
كيفهم... شعلينا منهم؟؟

He finally came to the conclusion that if ignorance is this widespread among Kuwait's male population, then maybe Kuwait's women were better off staying away from them!


  1. Yup.... he loooooooooves talking politics.. plus telling dirty jokes from time to time :P

  2. bo ghazi... are we talking about the same barber?

  3. If ur talking about bo hadwa... then I guess so ;)

  4. bo ghazi... that's him! Isn't he great? I think he's the best in town.

    But I always get the dirty jokes from his colleague C

  5. mushmushi... that was precisely the scenario I had in mind.

    I should add that while ignorance among our female population is a more serious problem, I worry more about the men because they get to exercise their ignorance every 4 years to vote for wonderful MPs like the ones we have now!

  6. Zaydoun, the ur right, the dirty jokes usually comes from C.
    BTW, don't you think that bo hadwa kinda looks like Greece's goal keeper!


  7. المشكلة يا زيدون أن هذه العبارات تأتي من نساء كثيرات في الكويت. و هنا الطامة الكبرى.
    قد خاب املي في الكثير من نساء الكويت يوم المظاهرة. كل ما أسال وحدة عن غيابها عن المظاهرة يقع على رأسي جوابها كسطل الماء البارد.
    إن كانت المرأة تقول إحنا شعلينا........فلا يلام الرجل في قوله.
    من هم من قالت...شي يقعدني من فجر الله. و الأخرى قالت مالي خلق.....و الثالثة قالت إحنا شو يفهمنا.
    بس صدقا اكثر وحدة باطة شبدي....مالة اللي مالي خلق.

  8. Dooda

    أعتقد بأن الفعاليات النسائيه، إذا جاز المصطلح، ضيعوا (رجال ونساء) الكثير من الوقت في الهجوم بدلاً من الأعداد للحرب.

    قاعدة المطالبين بالحق هنا صغيرة
    باك تو ذ دراونغ تايبل كما يقال
    لابد من البدء في إعداد جيل جديد مؤمن بالفكرة بدلاً من الحرس القديم
    لابد من إعداد خطة طويلة الأمد لإكتساب أكبر عدد من المؤيدين من الجنسين
    العمل على إستمالة الوزراء وأعضاء المجلس الجدد وبسرعة ساعه دخولهم المجلس
    وهناك أمر أخرى يطيل الشرح فيها

  9. bo ghazi... the hair is the same!!

  10. oufff.. Those are annoying comments.. wether they come from men or women

    na3eeman, Zaydoun


Keep it clean, people!