Saturday, October 28, 2006

Bluetooth Headcase

I'm about to offend quite a few friends and relatives who insist on walking around wearing a Bluetooth headset with this post, but I just can't resist it.

I read this in a men's magazine while getting my hair cut and couldn't stop laughing!

Q: "I am a 23-year-old cell-phone-store manager and have been asked this question frequently by customers. Does a Bluetooth headset make one look professional and technologically savvy? Or like a Star Trek freak ready for the next convention?"

A: "Generally speaking, a Bluetooth headset makes a man look like a Ferengi, the dweebiest of alien species. I saw a man in an expensive conservative suit and a camel-hair overcoat walking along Park Avenue the other day with this thingamabob stuck on his head, and I wished I had my digital camera with me. If you are going to wear a Bluetooth headset on the street, you should also be wearing a DayGlo jumpsuit, goggles, and a cape."


  1. hahaha! I have one but i only use it when i'm in the car. it does look ugly though

  2. حمدالله عالسلامة

  3. bought many bluetooth headsets and still cant get used to using any ! and not to mention the power consumption, the mobile battery charge with Bluetooth ON drops down drasticly. i still like using the classic handsfree headset ( with wire) just while im driving :)

  4. الحمد لله على السلامة ... يود مينونك لا اييك اللي اين منه .... اشوفها شوي صعبة اني امشي في الفريج و حاط سماعة البلوتوث بيقولون مينون او مب شايف خير .... ما في احسن من الطريقة التقليدية شيل التلفون او حط السماعة :)

  5. usually am with technology, but the person who invested the bluetooth heascase did not think of us. imagine walking and the person next to you is shouting or talking in aloud voice and you look around and you don't find any person but you, then you discover this thing hanging in his ear and you say, God bless technology.

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  7. ياخيه سماعة الضرس الازرق اتشبص على الاذن وجنه وحده قارصتج ليش انج مسوي شطانه....انا البسها حدر الملفع وقت العزيات واحط الهاتف في وضعت الصمت الي دقت الهنديه علي اقولها ارفعي الجدر من عالنار الي ما ايي وانا انجب ...خو الاوادم يشوفوني اهذر يحسبوني اسبح بس هذه المناسبه الوحيده الي فيها البس سماعة الضرس الازرق وسلامتك

  8. HEHEHE.. I can't stop laughing either.
    And why the hek would any one ask such a quesion???

  9. I am the one who told the teacher that both pessimists and optimists were wrong, the glass in fact was half empty and half full.

    So, Zaydoun

    What about a broache type blue tooth headset with headphone wire.

    We used to own one and it sorta looked better than both headphones or bluetooth ear-piece.

    How complicated can this discussion get???

  10. hahaha
    guys with bluetooth headsets are usually abnoxious!

  11. its so funny that you raised this point...walah i watch them here and laugh...i was in the states 4 somtime and they use it there for way diffrent purpose there..

    bess shagool ela rabi3na ma3a el 7'ail ya shagra o ohum malhum la fe el 6oor wala el barseem...o 3agabi :) l

  12. I totally agree with you
    The bluetooth headset is too big & looks ugly .. what's wrong with holding the phone

    إصلا اللي ماشي وحاط السماعة على أذنه ويتكلم - عذرا - بس شكله يضحك .. كأنه يكلم نفسه

  13. I don't know about how it looks, I don't use it but I think it's convienient when you have your hands busy, like driving or typing, but if your hands are free then it's just stupid to use them.

  14. A nice blog viewed from London by Robert, I?ll be back

  15. What you need of course is this item

    A stereo bluetooth headset that does not look geeky. In fact, most people will think you are listening to a mp3 player - and if your phone supports A2DP profile (like the Sony Ericson P990i), it is a great replacement for a MP3 player anyway as it supports music streaming.


Keep it clean, people!