Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Boycott 101: The French have their own misguided logic for opposing this war; but surely boycotting French products in response is going too far.... Here's a piece I picked up from The Nation outlining the how ridiculous it is and also points to who you really should be boycotting, if you are so inclined... and most intelligent people are not!
"It's boringly predictable that, after [US] House Republicans renamed French fries and French toast, some over-excited yahoo would set up a website petition to return the Statue of Liberty to the French, and that 2,790 people would sign it, and that the local TV station would profile it in all seriousness. But only Pennsylvania's legendary Republican Senator, Arlen Specter, would allow himself to boldly take a non-position on the idea. Specter observes that Lady Liberty is a great American symbol, and then suggests that we just pretend the French didn't give it to us: "We can bypass the source that it came from France."

Now, the Turks, by declining our military basing rights, may have actually put [US] troops in harm's way. No one complains about the Turks. The Russian government -- busily butchering Chechnya and manufacturing more terrorists -- and the Chinese government -- a Communist dictatorship that not so long ago was holding one of our planes and its crews hostage -- have been just as vocal as the French in blocking UN approval for the war. No one is calling for Freedom salad dressing, Freedom checkers and Freedom take-out... Hmmm"
Will Vodkapundit and other boozers boycott Russian vodka, now that Russia stands accused of selling weapons systems to Saddam? Will Kuwait's legions of fashion victims (you know who you are!) boycott French designers? Will they not spend summers in Cannes or St.Tropez? Does anyone remember how we laughed at people who boycotted Starbucks, but drove American cars?! Come on people.... LIGHTEN UP!!

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