Saturday, July 31, 2004

Murder Suicide!!

I was thinking it was a quiet day, with not much going to inspire me to write and/or comment. I'd just had a pleasant weekend, spent most of yesterday in a pool until I shriveled up like a raisin.

But then I just looked at Al-Watan and the front page lead with a shocking murder in Khaldiya of a 6-year old boy at the hands of his Fillipino nanny who also stabbed his sister in the neck and then killed herself!! My deep condolences to his family.



  1. The Kuwait Times, of course, had much more to say about the subject. The facts (according to Kuwait Times) are that a 6 year old boy named Bader and his 9 year old sister were stabbed REPEATEDLY in the neck. Thankfully, the girl is still alive. She is undergoing surgery, but her brother died on the way to the hospital.

    However, there are conflicting stories. In one statement, the father (who is divorced from their mother and had the kids over at his place for the weekend where he lived with his 2nd wife/kids' stepmother) allegedly heard his children's screams and rushed to their bedroom to find them lying in "a pool of blood", other sources indicate that after being stabbed in the neck, the girl "staggered to her father's bedroom door before collapsing on the threshold".
    The alleged murderer, a 39 year old woman from the Philippines, had joined the family only 20 days ago. Rumours within the Filipino community claim that the maid was murdered as well, by being "wrapped in a blanket and thrown from the window".

    What I want to know is, if it was the Filipina, what could this family have done to a maid within the 20 days they knew her to evoke such a heinous crime of vengence?

    Hopefully the girl will survive, and be able to inform police of what really happend that night. :(

    Gigi, journalistically

  2. By the way, I didn't mean to sound insensitive. Actually my previous post was a comment on the sensationalistic and tabloid-y style of writing I always come across in the Kuwait Times.

    Gigi, distastefully

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  5. Hmm, xtc I don't really read any other newspapers...
    The only reason I started reading the Kuwait Times is because I began working a couple of months ago and there's always a copy of the Kuwait Times lying around...

    Gigi, lazily


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