Sunday, August 22, 2004

How Fat Are We?

Take a look at this map from National Geographic that shows the global obesity epidemic. According to the accompanying article "there are now as many overnourished people as undernourished around the world. Here's the recipe for obesity on such a global scale: Take technology, cars, washing machines, elevators that reduces physical exertion. Increase calorie consumption, courtesy of increasing prosperity. Add television and video games. Stir in the intensive marketing of candy and fast food, and you have the makings of an epidemic.

In countries where the food supply has been unstable, people are getting fat despite far less abundance than in the United States. The implication? Newly industrialized nations in Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America may develop even higher rates of obesity-related health problems than in the U.S."

You can barely see Kuwait on the map but if you look closely, you will see that we are on a par with the USA on the obesity scale. Leave it to us to pick up the bad habits of developed nations and ignore the good.

So... how much do YOU weigh?


  1. WE ARE NUMBER ONE!...WE ARE NUMBER ONE! FINALLY!!! oo0oo to all of you skinny Saudis and Emaratis

    No Fish & banana cream pie....and no Twinkies and we are Still OBESE...lets see if the Americans can beat us for the Gold medal in this one!

    I'm struggling with my weight...and its only orange...promise to make it yellow...come Ramadan

  2. LOL, well I don't fit with the fattening Kuwait population then because I am thin :r

    How much do I weigh.. Think of a number between 45 and 47 :P hheehe kilograms that is :P and that's how much I weigh :P

  3. Told you you were skinny, thats below 50, which qualifies as skinny

  4. Hehehe, no I find myself Thin!


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