Sunday, August 08, 2004

Not Ready for Prime Time

I missed KTV's broadcast of the Prime Minister's cabinet session, but I hear it was basically a show of authority in which Sheikh Sabah was forcefully handing out orders to his ministers who seemed paralyzed with stage fright. Didn't anyone tell them they were going to be on TV?

What was the point of the broadcast in the first place? This is clearly unprecedented anywhere in the world and I truly hope it won't be a regular weekly broadcast. Parliamentary and Congressional proceedings are routinely broadcast in several countries, including Kuwait, but top-level cabinet meetings have to remain behind closed doors. In the end, it doesn't really matter if the Kuwaiti public is treated to this spectacle. The results and actions will speak for themselves.

This story is dying for a Mad M2000 cartoon treatment, don't you think?


  1. I saw the first one with the minister of housing. Its just a show where Bo Nasser gives direct orders to the worried looking minister, questions like What are you doing to help the people in this area or what are your plans for Isalnd of Failecha and the minister usually responds with a line like ..inshallah 6iweel al 3omor and ee that will happen very soon 6iweel al 3omor and then Bo Nasser gives the real answer in more details than the minister!..Newspaper owners and editors where all present and had a chance to ask few questions after Bo nasser ended the show by telling them that the government has nothing to hide and they all have seen how things are moving along toward a better future. For the simple minded Kuwaiti this might make him beleive that there is really no need for a parliment if things can move this smoothly in its absence. I liked the relaxed atmosphere, and the mini cakes or muffins with Perrier bottles on the meeting table. COOL SHOW --- Do Not Miss it! Not even MadM2000 Can make this any funnier.

  2. You've got to be kidding! When is the next "episode"? Can you imagine this being a surprise summer hit, with boxed-set DVDs being sold at Virgin?!

  3. This - original - show and Bo nasser's direct orders few weeks ago to all local papers to minimize future coverage of the Parliment is a step toward the KIngdom of Kuwait....whats next?

    maybe kissing hands and begging for Was6a live on TV ?! oh..that has already been done in KSA :/ 7asafa

  4. Done in Kuwait too during Ramadan! remember?


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