Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005 New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone! After much thought, here are my resolutions for 2005, which I hope won't fall by the wayside as the year unfolds:
  1. NO BLOGGING AT WORK! That includes updating mine and checking others.
  2. A decent, toned body by May.. in time for summer.
  3. Read more books in my spare time.
  4. Try my best to eat less bread.
  5. No procrastinating at work.
  6. Get rid of the mountains of clutter at home.
  7. See one new country this year.
  8. Get rid of any clothes that I haven't worn in 2 years and give them to charity.
  9. Learn kite-boarding
  10. Do more outdoor activities when the weather permits.


  1. Zaydoun
    Except for the kite boarding, this could have been my list of resolutions. Uncanny :)

  2. أرجو الترجمة.........No procrastinating at work.
    هاي شنووووووووووووووو

  3. NEAT.. great things to break this countrys routine MR.Z..BUT why do u want to cut ur carbs there is a good pill (cut the carb) pills they are very good, or my advice as an expert in carbs , drink extra glasses of water when u eat more than 4oz. of carbs.
    i can give you the trick to do it if u want
    and if u want to build more muscles just ask i can help.

  4. Happy new year to you and your family too!

  5. Happy New Year and I hope you'll get all your resolutions for 2005.
    My favorite one was 2 see a new country, I think it's a great idea to make it a yearly plan to discover a new place.
    good luck with kite-boarding :)

  6. Procrastinate:
    1. To put off doing something, especially out of habitual carelessness or laziness
    2. To postpone or delay needlessly

  7. Zaydoun
    Now, are you blogging from work? :) One resolution broken already!

  8. I loved your 8th resulotion..can i borrow it

  9. Happy New Year Zaydoun!

    Loved your resolutions.

    NOON, whats this magic anti-carb pill?? I MUST HAVE IT!

    Jwaira, hehe!

  10. tattas, is that a proposal to Zaydoun?

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. Jewaira.. I was still at home when I posted that. One more resolution: Get to work on time!

    Noon.. its just bread that I want to cut back on, and I don't mean sandwiches. Just those useless and needlessly filling bread rolls in restaurants! Otherwise, life without carbs is my definition of hell!

    Tatta.. thank you

    Nano.. borrow them all


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