Sunday, March 27, 2005

Doggie Style

Get your filthy minds out of the gutter, you perverts! I am referring to an article in Al-Qabas's business section about the latest in expensive designer dog accessories.

Unfortunately, Al-Qabas's cheapskate website doesn't show the accompanying picture so you'll have to find it yourself on page 30 of today's printed edition... It's too funny!

After you find it - and after you stop laughing - just sit back and wait for all hell to break loose!

UPDATE: You can see it here in PDF format. (Adobe Acrobat Reader required)


  1. Zaydoun

    Here it is:

    Shay6ana illi 7a66ah il mawthoo3..

    oo 3ala ha6ari..

    Check this website out:

    Found it on Amerab's blog.

  2. Someone will miss her bonus this month..

    I was expecting tits three style..anyhow good one Zaydoun

  3. مبتدئ... I always forget about the PDFs.. Thanks

    قاهر المتأسلمين... خوش صورة بس واللي يرحم والديك أخاف يصكون البلوغ بكبره


Keep it clean, people!