Sunday, March 27, 2005

Coffee & Commentary

The Starbucks coffee chain has raised some eyebrows over its "The Way I See It" campaign, which prints quotes from thinkers, authors, athletes and entertainers on the side of your morning machiatto. The goal, according to the company, is to foster "philosophical debate" in its 9,000-plus coffeehouses across the USA."

Imagine if our local Starbucks chain here in Kuwait started a similar campaign. Who would be the local Kuwaiti personalities worth quoting, and what could they possibly say without making us choke on our lattes?

The website also invites anyone to submit opinions for publication on a future cup. The site, as well as fliers available in each Starbucks store, encourage angry customers to lash out if they're upset. What would you say to them?


  1. that has no way to work in kuwait , and i don't see anyone recent is qoute worthy ( unless you talking funny quote )

    and philosophical & Al Franken does not mix

  2. Mr. Z

    تـخيل معاي الإقتباس هذا، المرأة لا حقوق سياسية لديها حسب الشريعة الإسلامية

    فيصل المسلم، سوبر مسلم

    رحنا وطي

  3. wain q8sheikh about this post! This guy hates starbucks with a passion!!
    I like it :)

  4. hwkw because it isn't the first time al-Baghdadi say he is leaving kuwait for good

    i do remmber either in one of his article or in a talk that he said he is waiting for his wife to retire so he and her can retire outside of kuwait

  5. HWKW... We talked about Baghdadi last week

    Now back to today's post...

  6. أخلاقى أرقى من أخلاقك

    فلهذاأنا أستحق حور العين و الغلمان

    Vampire Slayer

    محمد العوضى -دامت خرابيطه

  7. 1. Why is does Kuwait have the most expensive star bucks?

    2. Why do the muffins suck (only in Kuwait)?

    3. Why do i HAVE to ask for a hot sleave everytime??

    4. Can you please put up a drive through on all the highways?

  8. Yes Sheba... that hot sleeve thing pisses me off too!

    That should be on the paper cup, but it would hide the valuable quotes ;-)

  9. Quotes ON the sleeve, howzzat?

    Also, why does it have to be 'kuwaiti' personalities and thinkers?

    I wouldn't mind seeing some quotes from Neruda, Khayyam, Goethe .. etc etc. People who spoke of universal truth and beauty. There isn't a shortage of smart, thoughtful people in the world.

  10. Philosophical debate at starbucks in Kuwait, yah right

  11. I think thats such a great idea... but as Illusion said, (though I dont know about Kuwait), the only thing that would spark a philosophical debate from a starbucks cup in Dubai is if the local guys see a picture and phone number of a hot girl on the side of the cup... but that would be more of a biological debate I guess!
    the clientele of starbucks in Dubai consists of the bluetooth-ers, who would prob prefer sending nasty messages accross to completely random people! Quite appaling I must say, and sadly, very far far away from philosophy!


    p.s. Zaydoun, I started my blogpage and would love if you would have a look and spread the word:) p.s. can I post your name on my page as a fellow blogger?


  12. Emirienne, by all means please do.. but please dont add me as a contributor. I barely have time to catch up with this one! ;-)


Keep it clean, people!