Saturday, April 30, 2005

رزق القطاوة على الخاملات

مع أنني أحاول هذه الأيام الإبتعاد عن التعليق على الأخبار والاتجاه نحو كتابة مواضيع أوريجينال، إلا أن هذا الخبر لا يفوت

زاد حجم استيراد الساعات والمجوهرات والعطور ومستحضرات التجميل في الكويت بنسبة 61% في 2004 مقارنة العام 2003، ليبلغ 440 مليون دولار. وتوزعت نسب كل سلعة من تلك السلع الفاخرة في الاستيراد كما يلي
57% للمجوهرات
29% للعطور ومستحضرات التجميل
14% للساعات

ويبلغ معدل الانفاق اليومي على هذه السلع 2 .1 مليون دولار، وهو معدل يعد من بين الأعلى في العالم

مادري هالصرف من وين... معدل أسعار النفط... أسهم المخازن... الخ

صحتين و عليكم بألف عافية، واللهم لا حسد، وحتى انا مو مقصر بالصرف على الفاضي أكثر من المليان... لكن لماذا لم يشمل التقرير أي معلومات عن الصرف على أشياء مفيدة؟ لاحظت الاهتمام المفرط بالمظاهر والكماليات، ولم أرى في التقرير أن أحد قام بتجديد منزل مثلاً، أو ادخار الأموال لتعليم الأطفال

بعدين شدعوى 128 مليون دولار على عطور ومكياج؟؟؟؟؟


  1. and why didn't you comment on those pictures with the people who run the business for the rich? hadeet kel al-akhbaar wo you wrote on perfumes, jewels! :P

  2. This could either mean:

    1. We have an increase in new fake faces by 61%

    or ..

    2. The fakes became 61% faker.

  3. Purg... why don't you do that on your own blog?

  4. Because I do not know them, you are the Kuwait expert, I just read the paper in one minute. Also, it fits nice with the previous post, much better than this post.

  5. Purg... you must have missed the class in Blogger 101 that says bloggers can actually choose the subjects they wish to discuss

    I didnt find the story on overpaid fund managers even remotely interesting.. but you did, so go write something about it on your blog

  6. What is interesting is that you did not find it interesting, while you find a story on spending millions on perfumes interesting.

    Interesting enough?

  7. 3adaaaaaaal 3ADAAAAL ZAYDOOON BASHA ..i wonder who asked for suit from Villa Moda :)
    and loves clothes...
    i wonder

  8. *@@*nooni... please slow down and read my post carefully where I said
    وحتى انا مو مقصر بالصرف على الفاضي أكثر من المليان
    before you start yelling at me

    Purg... let it go already

  9. Here is the tie-in:

    All the Fund managers are well-groomed and good looking.

    They need the make-up for themselves and their wives (& etc) to look good and make them happy enough to buy the expensive jewelry and watches.

    To tell you the truth about my feelings, I think these guys and the guy who wrote the article in Al-qabas are all superficial nincompoops (now here is a word with tail fins)

    anyways I bable on.

  10. Zaydoun, no problem, not much more can be said here, looking forward to more interesting and challenging posts.

  11. zaydoun then why il te7el6em :)
    common man im not yelling at you ma3ash who yals 3ala al ra2eees ana mo nawya ansejen wara al ba'3adady :P

    so la7tha why are you amazed then with what ppl spend on such things???

    i still dont get it you pist something and you say inik mesta'3rb minah while you are one of these ppl inta mesta'3reb minhoum??

  12. I am only amazed at the huge amounts spent, even if I am just as guilty as everyone else... Just because I comment on something doesn't mean I'm pissed

    And I'm not the type who buys a new watch every few months either!

  13. zaydoun : i still dont believe you.. what i see is not what i hear:P

  14. layaleena is the answer

  15. *@@nooni... What don't you believe?


Keep it clean, people!