Saturday, May 28, 2005


One of those days.. moving to a new office that I don't really like. It's "temporary", the story of my life... No Internet until just now, my old emails seem to have disappeared. Can't get anything done... In addition, my back is sunburned and it's killing me.

Foul mood all around


  1. I swear I've never had a permanent office, even in one job. Always moving, or being told I'm moving.

    I'm sick of it!

  2. Nevermind dear Zaydoun. Your foul mood will also be temporary (I hope! :) )

    Nazzal sounds like my situation too :(

  3. بن كريشان

    حطيت سن بلوك الى ان قلت بس، لكن مع السباحة واللوية ما صار له مفعول

  4. nychick

    For Memorial Day Weekend, go out to the Hamptons or spend the day in Central Park. Alternatively, go downtown to Hudson River Park.. I love that place, and it's walking distance to Pastis and/or Magnolia Bakery!

  5. but it was worth it zaydoun. i hear it was an out of this world weekend.

  6. It was.. and it paid off

    We're in City Tower, and I'm looking out on the cemetery. I suppose at night the vampires come out..

  7. It's a very badly designed building. Both the architect and the original owner will burn in hell for it...

  8. Bu Zee:
    وفي حمّام واحد في كل طابق

  9. FCM

    Where's Abu Hafs when we need him?!

  10. Wow Zaydoun, you're an Office Nomad!

    That would make a good name for a stationary distribution company.

    Aghh just remembered 'The Office'

  11. I thought that constantly changing office was only a government policy of ?el-tadweer? well, what to I know?


Keep it clean, people!