Thursday, December 15, 2005

حلال علينا وحرام عليهم

KUWAIT CITY (AFP) - A Kuwaiti Islamist lawmaker slammed the government for providing Christians with two plots of land to build churches, saying this was against Islamic law. The recent measure of allowing non-Muslims to build places of worship in Kuwait is illegal under Islamic law," Waleed al-Tabtabai said in a statement after the government provided the land.

Tabtabai, a member of the hardline Sunni Salafist group, said non-Muslims must be allowed to practice their religious rituals but without the need to establish places of worship. He said Kuwait at present has about 20 churches and the number of Kuwaiti Christians is less than 100, "which means there is a church for every five Kuwaiti Christians."

Church sources told AFP on Wednesday that the Gulf Arab state has eight churches, four of which have their own permanent buildings and the rest are in rented homes.According to the sources, there are between 150 and 200 Kuwaiti Christians and up to 350,000 foreign Christians mostly from India, the Philippines, Egypt, Lebanon and the West.The government has recently allotted Christians two large pieces of state land to build churches, a measure that was welcomed by the head of parliament's human rights committee, MP Ali al-Rashed.

Kuwait was the first Gulf Arab state to establish direct links withVatican City and Emmanuel Benjamen al-Ghareeb became the first Kuwaiti pastor of the Anglican church in 1999.Other Gulf states like Bahrain, Oman and the United Arab Emirates have churches, while Qatar announced in October that it will donate land to build the gas-rich emirate's first church.Churches are banned in ultra-conservative Saudi Arabia.

نيابة عن الأغلبية الكويتية الصامتة و المتسامحة، أتقدم بالإعتذار للإخوة المسيحيين الكويتيين والمقيمين واؤكد لهم بأن النائب الطبطبائي لا يمثل سوى جماعته الضالة وناخبيه المخدوعين به

حلال عليك وعلى ربعك تبنون مساجد في دول النصارى، وبأراضي حكومية ويحضرون وزراءهم الإفتتاح بعد، بس تقوم القيامة إذا سمحنا للمسيحيين اللي عايشين بيننا ويشتغلون معنا بأن يبنون كنيسة...... لكن الشرهة مو عليك



  1. thanks!

    tabtab2i is a bit too late though... construction has started on those 2 plots after a series of delays. Another plot will be given soon as well.

    Merry Christmas all!

  2. زيدوووووون.......دائما تسرق الكلمة من فمي. النقطة المهمة التي قالها الطبطبائي هي (هناك كنيسة لكل خمسة كويتيون باعتبار أن عدد هؤلاء لا يتجاوز المئة, أما المسيحيون الوافدون فرأى الطبطبائي أنهم عمالة مؤقتة و ستعود إلى بلادها) يعني مو ضروري يتعبدوا بهالكم خمس ، عشر سنسن يللي هم عندنا. يطقون راسهم بالطوفة(بمنطق الطبطبائي طبعا)
    دعنا نرى ردة فعله لو كان نائب في البرلمان البريطاني او الفرنسي يقول للمسلمين هناك، انتظروا لتعودوا لبلادكم لتعبدوا ربكم.
    عيدكم مبارك إخواننا المسيحين و غصبا عن يللي مو عاجبه.

  3. well said Zaydoun, I just want to wish everyone Happy Holidays :)

  4. انا عندي سؤال واحد و يريت زيدون اتجاوبني عليه

    هذا من وين طالع؟ يعني اهوا اكيد كان رابي و كابر بالكويت ؟ و لا توه مكتشف الديره؟

    مادري ولاشي فيه منطقي ولا شي بالكويت لايق عليه!
    يعني ليش ما يسحبون منه الجنسيه ويفكونه من شره بيصير فيني جرب من مخه!

  5. أنا أحط اللوم على من أنقذه من الغرق في كانكون. لو كان فطس و فكنا مو كان أحسن لنا و للبشرية جمعاء؟ على كل حال جميع أشكال التطرف مصيرها مزيلة التاريخ، ونتطلع لذاك اليوم إلي نضحك وإحنا نتذكر هذا المعتوه ومن كان على شاكلته

    To people of all religions, sects, nationalities, colors and ethnicities: Happy Holidays :-)

  6. My gramma saw the headline in the paper and spontaneously said:

    مالت عليك و على ويهك

  7. well said mr zaydoun
    cant add more

    merry xmass

    and please take off ur word verification

  8. ?here, here?

    and to show our non-Muslim brothers and sisters that not all of us are bigots (and also to piss him off)

    Happy Holidays everyone :)

  9. مطقوق

    انزين.... شلناه

  10. Thanks for taking off WV. I think we might be safe form spammers for a little while at least.

    Happy holidays and Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate here in Kuwait :)

  11. I studied Islamic studies in England, my teacher was a religious Shaikh who used to talk in a pure Arabic accent (الله يرحمه), I remember he was teaching me that the prophet (PBUH) and his followers allowed non Muslims to practice their religion and never forbid them to build temples.

    I don't know from where الطبطبائي brings such rules.

    Islam is never there to make the community apart.

    I feel sad when watching such people talking like that about my religion; really sad.

  12. Well said Zaydoun

    True Faith - 6ab6abae and his friends lageen ily ya36oon wayh so ey7aliloon oo ey7armoon 3ala kaif-hom. That's the way I see it atleast.

  13. What happened to the word tolerance in this guys dictionary!!!

    I cant believe he has a PHD!! I cant believe people actually voted for him.

    Hot ice, defeaning silence, and now a new oxymoron:
    Mr.Tabtabaei's Tolerance !!!

    lets grow this list!!

  14. لا أعلم لماذا هذا الصمت منا
    و لماذا دائما صوتهم مسموع!

    الله كريم
    Happy holiday everyone!

  15. blue.. the man never had any tolerance in the first place

  16. I'd like to see 6ab6ab showing us that fabled "Islamic law" he's been ranting about.
    Someone should get that goat to graze in some other patch of grass.

  17. الطبطبائي
    أنظف برلماني إسلامي في الكويت
    هذا أولا ً أما ثانيا
    فالرجل يعمل بما تملي عليه قناعاته
    فأرجو أن يتم مناقشة الفكرة لا الأشخاص

    في الحقيقة إن فكرة إنشاء دور عبادة جديدة عندنا تحتاج لمناقشة هادئة وترك الموضوع للمختصين لتحديد مدى الحاجة الفعلية لمرتادين الكنائس
    ومن غير اللائق أن يطالب أحد الذين علقوا على الموضوع بطلب سحب الجنسية أو تمني الموت له .. لمجرد الإختلاف بوجهات النظر
    أليس من الحكمة بأن تطبق مبادئ الليبرالية التي تنادي بها

  18. you-sif, the fact that he is not as corrupt as the others (disputable issue though) does not necessarily mean that he is not capable of giving statements that are hilariously unsound.

    How can you ask us to believe that Tabtabaee's actions and statements spring from his beliefs and to see his person in isolation of these same actions and statements, isn't that a contradition?

    People are their thoughts.

    Omar al-Khattab allowed churches to be built back in the middle ages, and you are telling me that building churches in an islamic state is something 'new'?!!!!

    As for the efficacy of building one, I think that having more than 100,000 Christians residing in kuwait is a good reason.

    And if Tebtabaee had his way, all the liberals, including the ones who voiced their opinions in here, would have been beheaded as infidels according to his beliefs. He has proved his intolerance time and again (otherwise he wouldn't have written the article in today's Watan to dispell this fact)so don't try to imply people's lack of tolerance for simply returning his sentiments ;P

    Personally, I don't wish him dead, I simply wish he was never born.

  19. hug, i really hope what your saying is true.

    zaydoun, this issue has been discussed months ago and the deal is done i think...why is tabtabei still barking...wof wof

  20. well said zaydoun

    بس عادي تعودنا قلة الأدب منه ومن أشكاله، وعلى قولتك الشرهه مو عليه

  21. Just out of curiosity why was your apology written in Arabic? From your article it obvious that the majority of Christians in Kuwait are Non-Arab, so shouldn?t you have written it in English so it can reach the majority?

    Just a thought

  22. illusion... good question. I guess I wanted the message to get to him and his people

  23. That might indicate that your apology is not sincere and its just to spite him

    Just another thought

  24. I promise you it's sincere... and to spite him, absolutlely!

  25. this is more than stupid, wtf does he want? let him just go fuck himself

  26. While it is all very well that Kuwait took the lead and was the first among AGCC states to establish relations with the Vatican let us hope she takes it a step further, and sets up mutiple muti-faith prayer halls (as a kind of one stop shops for prayer and religion) with an atheist corner too, thrown in for comic relief, more than anything else. Whether we like it or not, atheists are also humans and we are only extending the possibilities of our humanity by being favourably disposed toward them.

    If realized, such a project could be a first even for supposedly liberal countries of the West.
    Now, if there are still any vacant plots of land left for construction in South Surra, please send in your proposals for intense debating by enlightened members of the National Assembly.

  27. الدين لله والوطن للجميع

    الطبطبائي وامثاله من جماعة سلف واستلف لن يفهموها

  28. ليس دفاعا عن الطبطبائي - وإن كنت أعتقد أنه محق بما قال وأنه من أفضل النواب في مجلس المآسي مجلس 2003 - لكن مجرد فكرة خطرت ببالي بخصوص دعم الحكومة للإسلاميين أو غيرهم، وهي أنه دعونا نبدي الاحترام لخيار الناس وحقهم في اختيار من يشاؤون سلفيا أو شيعيا أو إخوانيا أو ملحدا أو غير ذلك ولا ننسب الفضل في نجاح أحد أو سقوطه للحكومة

    إذا نجح من أحب فبها ونعمت، وإن نجح غيره فبأصوات الناس وإن كرهت أنا

  29. i just got to read this post and i am telling you is great.. Thank you for who ever wrote it and all the good comments.. we will add it to the as a great article worth to read. God bless you and Bless Kuwait


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