Thursday, September 07, 2006

Playlist Sept 7 - 13

More stuff I heard on vacation... not all have videos available online
  1. The Killers - When You Were Young: Las Vegas's favorite sons channel the young Springsteen with this roaring comeback.
  2. Pharoahe Monch - Push: Hip-hop with old-fashioned gospel vocals and blaring horns. Ace!
  3. Boards of Canada - Dayvan Cowboy: Dreamy instrumental with a mesmerizing video. Imagine it on an IMAX screen!
  4. Lupe Fiasco feat. Jill Scott - Daydreamin' : When asked in a men's fashion mag what he was looking forward to the most this fall, Fiasco said he was looking forward to Ramadan :-)
  5. Jealousy - Lucy: Eurotrash dance pop at its guiltiest.


  1. well,

    { when u were young }!!

    got tO admit it ...beautiful song ..and yes im still waitING for him ========> JeSuS ....LOoo0OL :-P

    JealOusy ya lu9y..Mmmm?...talkn about a [WET] blanket..LoOO0L!!

    I ba3ad got my own weekly playlist.....!

    yeah and was gOogel-ing aroun6 and found this :

    did u ever use it?

  2. زيدووون

    الظاهر قاطعين سرك يا ويلز ولا ايرلندا....وش هالاغاني العنكريزيه يا خيه ما فهمت شي احلى الشي الي بلحمام سباحه يدورها...من بالوعه الى بالوعه ازهويه مو اوادم....كع كع كااااع
    وعلى ما قالوا لو ماتعدد الاذواق لا بارت السلع
    وانا متاكده ان البوست هذه له طّلاااابه بس انا دشيت لقافه وبلاغة الشف

  3. أم الحفيز

    ترى انا أسمع كل شي... والأغاني العربية مالت هالأيام مو محتاجة اني أدلل عليها هني. بعدين والله دورت مرة ثانية على ركادة على سوامري قديمة وما لقيت

  4. غريبة ..؟؟ وين شاي حليب ...؟؟ لووووووووووول..

  5. Yay Boards of Canadeyah! Still stuck on Monch's "Simon Says" tune...and "Oh No!"

    Thumbs up :)


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