Monday, July 19, 2004

Street Talk

Have you ever had a thought in your head or made some comment to yourself, and then opened the papers the same day to find a columnist basically expressing your same thoughts in print?

This morning I was driving out of Hawally and onto Istiqlal Street, heading towards Shaab, to show an inspector from the Ministry of Labour where our little Hypoxi Centre is located. I had given her the address, but she had no idea where anything was. I drew a primitive map for her on a piece of paper, but she still didn't understand where to go. I finally gave up and asked her to just follow me there. Bear in mind, that she goes on regular inspections as part of her job and yet she had no clue how to get from A to B!! While I was driving, I suddenly realized why she was so lost. Istiqlal Street had been renamed Issa Bin Salman Al-Khalifa Street, after the late diminutive ruler of Bahrain whose mouthful of a name belied his size... I silently cursed the ass-kissing sycophants who ordered this ridiculous renaming of a street that once had a proud name - it doesn't get any better than "Istiqlal" (Independence), you idiots! - and wondered why in the world they couldn't have named a new street in a new part of the country after him.

When I got to the office, I opened Al-Qabas and found Ali Al-Baghli making the same complaint about the exact same street! He called Kuwait the only country that changes street names like people change clothes, and lamented the lack of respect for streets whose names are part of our vocabulary and history.

In the end it doesn't matter though, since I defy anyone living here to give an address to a Kuwaiti for any place without having to give turn-by-turn directions (i.e. turn left at the Co-op, and then right at the mosque, then 2 speedbumps later turn right at the school). I know several people (mostly spoiled rich girls, coincidentally) who have no idea what their own street address is. They just know how to get there!


  1. Do you have examples that contradict his statement? I think what he mentions is true as he says "spoiled" rich girls, which is not the same as rich girls.

    so the lesson here, do not spoil a rich girl, then again, do not spoil any girl.

  2. I had no clue they changed the name!!!

    You made good points about history and so forth... but i would like to make one more point... istiqlal is a much easier name!!!! how on earth will i ever memorize to say issa bin salman al khalifa street??? i had to read it 4 times just to type it out now!!!

  3. Pink.. I can't say I didn't see that coming! ;-)

  4. i use highway numbers, much easier that way. I know highway 50 will take me to the Airport, 55 to Ikea etc.. no way would i be able to remember names, but then again it takes me forever to memorize the highway numbers and where they take me..

  5. You still have to know the street names and numbers to navigate!

  6. Some people are born with sense of direction, some are not.

    Lesson here, never spoil a gurl with no sense of direction.

  7. Baghdad street in salmiyah was changed to AL-Tahaluf street after the liberation for obvious reasons. And in every street map it was called (( Baghdad Sabeqan - formerly Baghdad Street )) because NO ONE KNEW THE NEW NAME! Of course every shop,saloon restaurant located on that main street were too embaressed to actually use the name Baghdad on thier address and ended up INVENTING names like - The street that is parallel to Gulf Street!

  8. It is now, and forever will be, Baghdad Street as far as I am concerned. Baghdad was built way before this murderous thug came to power, and anyone too thick to appreciate that distinction isn't fit to drive down that street!


Keep it clean, people!