Tuesday, November 23, 2004

الشبكة الليبرالية الكويتية

لم أكن أعلم شيئاً عن هذا الموقع الرائع (والله فشلة) إلى أن دخلت عليه عن طريق رابط في أحد التعليقات على موقع أبو حفص البطل قبل أيام

عموماً كل تأخيرة وفيها خيرة، وقد وجدت هذا الموقع مثيراً للغاية وشيء جميل جداً وأتمنى أن يكون بداية نشاط منظم يسعى إلى التغيير الإيجابي والدفاع عن الدستور والمحافظة على ما تبقى من حريات هزيلة تتطاير مع رياح الإنفعالات والعواطف والتديّن الفالصو

لكن درب العبادة طويل يا جماعة، وما خسرته القوى الليبرالية في السنوات الماضية من نفوذ أو تأثير لن يعوض بالسكوت أو التحلطم، وها هو اليوم كاتبنا الكبير عبداللطيف الدعيج يبهذلهم على تقاعسهم، ويلعن والديهم على الفرص التي أضاعوها وسكوتهم عن التعديات اليومية وكأنها لا تعنيهم


By the way, I wish they had picked a better URL than "secularkuwait.org"... Why not "liberalkuwait.org"? I just checked and it's available, and so are "liberalkuwait.com" and "liberalkuwait.net"

As you all know, Secular means علماني and even though I fully support a secular state (dream on!) I still think it would attract some unwanted attention from the wrong kinds of people... وبصراحة مو ناقصين


  1. بالعكس زيدون.. احنا ناقصين ونص
    وكلام الدعيج دليل على ذلك.. يعني "الليبراليين" هالأيام يخافون من طرح مطالبهم على اعتبار ان "احنا مو ناقصين" و شلنا بعوار الراس. لي متى؟

    آنا تعليقي كان تماما عكس تعليقك.. كان المفروض يكون عنوان الموقع شي مثل "علمانيون من أجل الكويت".. مو لأني ضد الليبرالية والعياذ بالله.. بس الليبرالية حاليا تحتمل تفسيرات إسلامية ضيقة للأسف.. يعني في إسلاميين يعتبرون أن الليبرالية لا تتعارض مع حكم إسلامي..
    المطلوب هو العلمنة. فصل الدين عن الدولة بصريح العبارة وبالـ"مفتشر" على قولة المصريين ومثل ما نشوف
    bumper stickers
    مكتوب عليها "الإسلام هو الحل" لازم نشوف "العلمانية هي الحل"

    الجو يضيق الخلق

  2. Zaydoun, aldu3aij is by far one of my fav daily columnists, but I have to say, I wish he would come back to Kuwait instead of living abroad, and see him try doing any of the things he says others should do.

    I totally agree on what he says though, this was something that we kinda discussed here, with interesting points of view.

  3. فشلتيني يا شروق... كلامك كله صحيح، لكن يبدو أن بوطبيع ما يغير طبعه، وها أنا أطأطئ راسي خوفاً من الكلام الزايد تماماً مثل الذين عيّبت عليهم للتو

    أرجو قبول اعتذاري

  4. Ghurka.. yes its true that calling names is juvenile and negative and useless. But you should get a peek at the the name-calling from the other side to see that what you read here is pretty mild in comparison

    I know this isn't a school playground, where we have to determine "who started it"... but really they've had the run of the land for way too long, and look where it got us

  5. Q,
    Ouch.. Why take it out on Duaij?..
    The guy is doing a great job as a columnist. He's not a parliament member! It wouldn't make much difference whether he lived here or there. As far as I know he is the most outspoken liberal columnist in Kuwait.

    الحين آنا افتشلت شوية
    "وآنا أيضا آسفة"

    Who said men never apologize lol

  6. Shorouq,
    Im not taking it out on Duaij, I really like him as i mentioned above. Its just that pointing out what everyone should do is alot easier than being in the position to do anything. U dont have to be a member of parliamnt to do something, and I agree that all liberals without exceptions have been too quiet ad havent done anything in the past few years, but living here is part of the problem, ur not facing an equal power, ur facing something much bigger! Everyone talks about it and writes about it whether living here or abroad, but acting is a totally dif matter. Thats why Im saying id just like to see what he thinks he can do if he comes back to Kuwait, u know what I mean?

  7. Q,
    Ok, I get what you're saying now. I rest my case.
    Well said

  8. معقولة؟ الكاتب الكبير عبداللطيف الدعيج زايرنا اليوم؟ نورت الصفحة يا بو راكان

  9. alnabeeh, thx for the link, and by the way, alnibras is actually is an excellent online magazine, with wonderful efforts of young Kuwaitis in the US

  10. Hmmm.. interesting point. I guess if the Liberal Movement has any hope of attracting more numbers it will have to compromise and at least show that true liberalism can coexist with moral values. It can start by fixing that darned URL!

    Sorry Shurouq, I'm bactracking ;-)

  11. Zaydoun Zaydoun
    (and Victoria Nights),

    I'm disappointed!

    Why does the word "secular" علماني scare us off like that?
    "Libersl", to some, indicates infidelity. What's next? Are we going to shy off from declaring ourselves liberals?

    I am not religious. I don't want to be ruled by religion. A secular system will provide that right for me. If you are religious, a secular system won't prevent you from practicing your religion and following its rules.
    Compromise you say?
    And accept religious laws?
    Who says what religion rules?
    (I suppose islam, since Islam is the answer :S)
    Sunni or Shiiy?
    In case of Sunni.. Hanbali? Shaf3i? Hanifi? or Malki?
    In case of Shiiy.. Alawi? Jaafari? Baha'i?.. should go on?

  12. I'm ticked off now lol
    easy, Shurouq.. easy

    Have a nice "secular" weekend, everyone
    (Everyone but Zaydoun)

  13. Shurouq.. when I say compromise I don't mean accept the rule of religion over our lives. I mean using the right approach to recruit more numbers to the liberal cause, by appealing to common sense instead of the fear of hell and damnation. But as The Processor said, it's an uphill battle

    And I'm sorry but you've got it mixed up.. It's the world "secular علماني" that scares away people more than the word "liberal"..

    Btw, I promise you my weekend will be as secular as possible ;-)

  14. zaydoun....i want to be ur friend! Adopt me for the weekend! ;P

  15. Q... your wife needs to sign the adoption papers

  16. LOL! dammit i forgot about ur connections ;P

  17. وما أشبه الليلة بالبارحة يا أبا الحكم

  18. And methinks Alnabeeh is 100% right lol
    Thanks buddy

    أبو الحكم، كلامك حكم.. بس يتعب.. يا ريت تطلع من مضارب قريش وتتكلم بدون رموز وإحالات ماضوية
    صح لسانك عالعموم ولو إني اشتممت في كلامك رائحة استنكار لصراع المصطلحات الدائر.. عالأقل حرب المصطلحات أرحم من حرب الشوارع
    Don't you think?


Keep it clean, people!