Thursday, February 10, 2005

Playlist Feb 10-16 (Valentine Edition)

Continuing the "luuurve" theme, leading up to Valentine's Day, I guess I might as well share with you a few of my favorite love songs... in no particular order. Click on the links for previews.

There are so much more, but this could really take all weekend!!


  1. I thought you were the anti-valentine

  2. That's the spirit Mr. Zaydoun ;)
    If you can't beat 'em, join 'em!

  3. *Surprised me*

    pretty nice for a hopeless romantic guy!

  4. I am still anti-Valentine, but it doesn't mean I don't like love songs. You'll note that the songs I listed are all sincere and heartfelt... no sentimental schlock/crap like Celine Dion or any of that garbage

  5. ah good good, skinny women cannot sing anyways, skinny women are good for nothing, skinny women :P

  6. Purg.. Click on Elvis Costello's Alison, and you'll hear my exact sentiments

    Bayz... I can't believe you like "Love Song". I'm impressed!!!


Keep it clean, people!